Monday, 26 September 2011

aerial inspiration

Rice fields pic [here]
Melissa Aranha Floc Jellies [here]
Vintage delight from Repeat After Me Vintage [here]
Noon Watch from wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen [here]
Emily Green 'Audrey' Necklace [here] (yup, she's a local.)
SpexClub 'Andy' Unisex Frame [here] (Unfortunately SpexClub do not YET offer shipping to us down here in Australia...come on guys!)

Wow. So I came across this spied-from-the-skies pic a while ago of terraced rice fields in China. Thanks National Geographic, you really know a thing or two about our wonderful world.
The colours seem perfectly fitting for spring and so do the other items that have been invited along to the same colour party.
Good times for all at such an event, I say.
And yes, before summer rolls around my feet will nestled in a pair of those burgundy floc Jellies - or my name isn't Mary Poppins. Well no, I suppose my name isn't Mary Poppins... nevertheless, the shoes shall be mine! Hooray!


Saturday, 17 September 2011

genius of the lamp

I could not pass this haunting collection of photos. The bright-idea (oh yes I did!) belongs to Rune Guneriussen who's work is a collision of installation and photographic art.

There is no shortage of puns that I would love to cause cringing with, I will spare you this day and allow you to appreciate these all for yourself.

Did I mention, that you light up my life? (tune proceeds to play on repeat in my head. Ick!)

Enjoy that.


Tuesday, 13 September 2011

shelter on a stick

[one] [two - unknown] [three] [four] [five - unknown] [six] [seven]

What is it about an umbrella that has superstitious-types cringing at an indoor opening? Or what is so desperately embarrassing about your domed-rain-keeper-offer flipping inside out at the traffic lights in Melbourne's CBD wind tunnels? The more compact we make them, the less resistant to gales they become and then the more resilient we make them - the more you look like a imbecile traipsing down the street with a potential weapon that could double as a hiking stick - all in a bid to keep the drops off your head, or clothes, or both, in the event that they may fall.
Curiouser still is that the first of their kind seemed to be constructed as sun obstructors and now (in my experience) it is quite the oddity to find someone sporting a personal umbrella as an extension to the 'slip-slop-slap' mantra in our summery months (beach umbrellas aside).
In spite of all their peculiarities, these pop-up, stow-away, portable ceilings remain, for me, a marvel. And above are some of my favourites.

It would appear that in the case of a flood - umbrellas serve as vessels of safe voyage for bears. 

Wonders will never cease!


p.s. if anyone knows where those two mystery pictures are lurking in the murky mire of the inter-webs please give me a hoy.