Monday, 28 February 2011

a ginger beer announcement

I know you are all sitting on the edge of your seat to hear the outcome of the latest ginger beer venture. Wait no longer, ye ones with bated breathe. (What is bated breathe anyway? It sounds a little bit yucky.)

Without further delay: it was a flop. I received news from my brewing buddy on Saturday advising me of the moulding puddle that was supposed to be deliciously refreshing ginger beer. The beverage attempt was consequently poured down the sink, leaving me with a distinctly empty feeling in the pit of my stomach and a rather sour taste in my mouth... that was the lemons, I would say.

I've got one thing to say to you Country Women's Association... stick to JAM, ladies! (I'm sure their other recipes are okay. Well, they'd want to hope so...!)

All is not lost. Although no fizzy ginger joy could be found on this side on the planet, I did come across this Canadian advertisement that makes up for everything.

Found my Ginger friend here.

Big grins for this one. If only more things were 'gingervating'!
And if we ever do hit a winner recipe... I know which way I'll be heading to market the liquid gold!


1 comment:

  1. Haha, classic!

    Not only gingervating, but aids digestion! It's everything I could ask for in a chilled beverage.
