Sunday, 20 February 2011

hello world

Greetings Blog Browsers, Surfers of the Internet World and whomever of you have just stumbled upon here by accident...

Whether you are interested or not I am going to aim to share some things with you. Things that inspire, amuse and perplex me.

For those of you who are curious, the title of my blog is a term coined in the fifteenth century, it refers to days of rejoicing and celebration that were marked on a calendar in red whilst every other day was marked in plain, old, boring black. 

It is also common to find the words of one of human history's most significant and life-changing men printed in red.

So may you find a reason to celebrate each and everyday... and if you can't find one, I will see what I can do to help.

Let this be the beginning of a happy, smiling friendship.


1 comment:

  1. huzzah! your very first follower/post. looking forward many bite-sized pieces of loveliness from you :)
