Monday, 18 April 2011

a sock apology

A friend looked down at my feet the other night while we were sitting on the couch watching TV and in horror asked me why my feet were blue.

Now, I maintain that it was merely the light combined with the fair skin that my body is so delightfully wrapped in - but I will admit the old phalanges were feeling the nippy teeth of winteriness - just not to the frost-bitten extent.

Which leads me to SOCKS. For years I have attempted to keep them hidden, like embarassing school photos featuring missing teeth and fake smiles. They were to remain well inside the mouth-of-shoe perimeter or under lengthy pant hems - with no peeking allowed! It's not that I didn't like wearing them - but, sigh, I was ashamed of them.

I fear I owe socks worldwide an apology and wish to make a reconciliation from this day forth.

I pledge to wear socks without shame. They can and will poke atop sneaker, bootie or shoesies, and even to be worn with sandals when it is appropriate. 
(And yes, there will always be instances when it is not appropriate for socks to be worn with sandals.)

In keeping with the atmosphere of this momentous day here is my 'Sock Honour Roll for 2011'

one: urban outfitters [here]
two: free people [here]
three: OKOK [here]
(OKOK is a brand by a Melbourne Designer -
I bought a pair of her cotton tights last year in pink - comfy and wonderful!)

four: happy socks [here]
five: country road [here]

In my sock-scouting I came across this website that made me giggle because lets face it - it's oh so very true.

May your socks be as splendid as your feet are warm and cosy.


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