Friday, 20 May 2011

five day wardrobe [day five]

'So, how 'bout those rainbow suspenders, huh? Pretty cool way to keep yourpants up, eh?'
– Homer Simpson

Couldn't agree more, buddy. There is no better way to round out a week of wardrobe wants than colourful-pant-keeper-uppers with awesome scarf, top, jeans and boots.

Madewell via Refinery29

Guys, I have not forgotten you - your transport awaits. [click here pronto]

My five day week of wardrobe wishes was not long enough, maybe I'll share some more favourites another time.

Happy Weekend, you young things!


Thursday, 19 May 2011

five day wardrobe [day four]

Nothing makes a bended arm more delightful than a patch to highlight the ingenuity of the human body's joints.

I wish I had this jumper from Hetterson's SS Collection. It would make my week!
It has inspired me to try some patching of my own... will keep you posted on that. 
(And at the suggestion of Howard Moon, I am considering any range of colours from a 'deep profound muffin through the angry beige right out there to a very aggressive nutmeg.')

Hetterson via simple things

And, of course, if I were indeed a male named James, here's what I would be wishing for today:

image from Urban Agent
Now, incase you had forgotten the structure of the week.
Today is Thursday which means tomorrow is Friday - so for all you hard-workers out there - get excited because the weekend is hunting you down. 
And for all you students out there - STOP procrastinating!

Keep warm.


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

five day wardrobe [day three]

Shorts and tights - not everyone likes it... but I do. I also love the colour of her jumper. Mmmmm....

image from Street Peeper

And for the guys - pack up your gloomies and walk on sunshine. Balance grey skies with bright socks! (and we all know how I feel about socks!)

via The Sartorialist
Until tomorrow...


five day wardrobe [day two]

Colour me happy. The only way to scare away a grey day. 
These two get-ups have sucked the colours from skittles and put them into clothing... tasty.

images via Andrea Klarin on the Behance Network

Let's be honest, I probably couldn't pull it off - but it warms my heart that someone can - dontcha-think!?


Monday, 16 May 2011

five day wardrobe [day one]

Wow. You look great. No wrinkles or anything since we last saw each other - and it has been so long. Your patience is astounding!

Now, friends, it's imagination time. Put your brain in a cosy armchair, prop it up on a cushion if it's rolling around. Mind wandering starts in three.... two.... one.............

Imagine if your wardrobe had all the clothes in the WHOLE world. 
As if, instead of a portal into Narnia, it was the most elaborate and delightful collection of body covering options from all four (round-ish) corners of the globe!?
I am assuming you have the ability to imagine and if you can't then I weep for you and will charge you for the tissues that I subsequently use.

Ok, so, here you are with a super huge wardrobe at the end of your nose. But then comes the moment... 'what the heck do I wear today!?' Distress ensues. 
I maintain that this is very reason we don't have infinite wardrobe options. Our poor little brains just couldn't hack it.

This little exercise has been a round-about way of delivering you with my imaginary five-day wardrobe. The clothes I would wear if they were mine and not someone else's.

Sporting this very comfy looking ensemble is Iris, spotted on LookBook.
I love her style. Effortless and cool. How's those shoes!?

A girl has got to dream! (as do you, fellas (see below!)


click [here] for the 'if I were a guy, my name would be james and I would be wearing:' option. From the best fashion blog of all time The Sartorialist - this is for my sister, yes the budgie-insurgent but also frequenter of travel atop a long-board.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

cold shoulder

I suppose the title is a little misleading given that it is not just my shoulder that is cold but my whole body. Melbourne reached no more that 14.9 degrees today and my toes, although socked and slippered are so cold, they could cool down the spiciest of beef vindaloos (if you'll pardon the image).

But I'm not here to whinge, its nothing a hot water bottle and heater can't fix. I'm actually here to gush about how much I love the weather at the moment and, no, don't commit me yet summer-lovers, hear me out. 
It seems it's not so much about the cold, it's about change. The weather is giving us our very own holiday, well, sort of. Change is as good as a holiday, right? There is something about the change of season that makes me happy and content as a cat on a cushion. (the cat thing sounded good but I've never had a cat so someone feel free to verify that claim.)
You know what, I don't think I can even explain this - but I've found myself driving down my road where the gutters are choked with fiery leaves, my nose is a little pink from cold and I get a silly grin on my face.

And just in time for frosty nights, I finally finished my quilt. Well, it didn't end up being a proper quilt, more a doona cover (due to creative differences between me and my sewing machine) but it was a project spanning an unnecessary two years. 

So, my tip for you, wherever you are, embrace the change of season. Something new is happening! 
But if you're going to stand there with your arms crossed and a frown so long it could push your pants down then crunch some leaves under your feet - catharsis.


(ha. pun!)


Monday, 2 May 2011

getting places

I used to hate driving. Multiple reasons I suppose, most of which have something to do with my few but memorable, parent-accompanied, learning expeditions. I increased my parents’ wrinkles by approximately 47%. (This is a completely and entirely ridiculous approximation – the point is I stressed them out.) I think they have recovered over the years. As an adult, I’m much more reliable. Trust me.

Driving, as many of you would agree, opens a world of freedom, something my dear friend public transport just couldn’t manage to do. (Sorry guys – but most of you, trains and trams, are tethered to the ground by metal tracks. Going back and forth doesn’t exactly evoke a sense freedom, does it now?!)

That being said, cars are temperamental, downright expensive and can be known to stop in the middle of intersections on your way to work.

Either automobiles’ of the 50’s were a far sight better than we have today or perhaps advertising was, as it continues to do, pulling the wool over our collective eyes? Everyone looks delightful and polished and happy and vintage-y. (FYI ‘vintage-y’ is not really a word kiddies, don’t use it in essays, thank you.)

[one] [two] [three] [four]

Lets be honest, in spite of the pretty ads, compact automobiles are my friends. All of these cars would dwarf my four-wheeled getabout, two-fold. Many things in my world would be scuffed, scratched and dented at bumper height if I were driving one of these wide winged creatures.
But, apparently, I’d look charming doing it so perhaps it wouldn’t matter?


Sunday, 1 May 2011

a croc

I like shoes. I like them a lot. I like comfy shoes. Who doesn't!? They're comfy.

But a shoe that requires their own cautionary sign for travelator users is clearly a bad choice from the get go.

Just one more reason why it is ridiculous to adorn your feet in such horrendous footwear.

Crocs : making feet uglier than ever, since 2002.


P.S. If you like crocs, go for your life (I still like you)! Just be wary of travelators and also wear something outrageous on the upper half of your body so that no-one notices your feet. Sound advice, right?