Thursday, 19 May 2011

five day wardrobe [day four]

Nothing makes a bended arm more delightful than a patch to highlight the ingenuity of the human body's joints.

I wish I had this jumper from Hetterson's SS Collection. It would make my week!
It has inspired me to try some patching of my own... will keep you posted on that. 
(And at the suggestion of Howard Moon, I am considering any range of colours from a 'deep profound muffin through the angry beige right out there to a very aggressive nutmeg.')

Hetterson via simple things

And, of course, if I were indeed a male named James, here's what I would be wishing for today:

image from Urban Agent
Now, incase you had forgotten the structure of the week.
Today is Thursday which means tomorrow is Friday - so for all you hard-workers out there - get excited because the weekend is hunting you down. 
And for all you students out there - STOP procrastinating!

Keep warm.


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