Tuesday, 14 June 2011

choose your own adventure [the great blog hiatus]

Questions are being thrown around like footballs in Australia’s backyards and suspicions are mounting. Why has she stopping blogging? Will she ever be back? Is my computer just playing up and I’m missing all the amazing insights into life that I can’t possibly do without while everyone else can see it?

Today, your questions will be answered and you can be the boss of that!

Select your favourite scenario from the two below (because, of course, a good story is always better than the dim reality. A reality that is making itself stand out like a very sore, aching, gross thumb in the list below…so don’t chose that one, okay?).

I was head-hunted by a big corporation (whose name is being withheld due to legal reasons) that wished to use my superior knowledge of childrens’ songs to construct a worldwide movement that involved finding your ‘inner child’. Of course, this company (as so many are) is based in Kazakhstan. I was required to fly there to meet with the managing director and due to the short lead times on the project, I had to drop my things (including my laptop – which subsequently smashed) and head over to the boiled sheep’s head capital of the world.
However, somehow I got lost in transit and ended up in Hawaii where I learnt to make Lais with the locals as I taught them childrens’ songs on the ukulele. My luggage, however, made it to Kazakhstan so I was then forced to spend an exorbitant amount of money to get it returned to me. Thus I could not buy a new computer for several weeks.
Thankfully, the corporation, realized their tomfoolery and compensated me for my terrible experience.
So I’m back with a new computer (very similar looking to my last one – same marks on the keyboard and everything) here to blog for you again and the world is as it should be.

In order to become qualified to educate the masses, I am required to fulfill assessment requirements that are then graded, according to how amazingly-amazing I am (or how amazing the assignment is). The last few weeks have been a stormy, angry clouded landscape of lengthy essays perforated by the intermittent sunshine of teaching placement (and visiting markets and duckies). In moments (hours) of procrastination when I wished to be blogging about the Silver Birch tree in the front yard – technology would poke its tongue out at me and not play nice. First by refusing to cope with large photographic file sizes and then refusing to allow me to log into my blog so that I could actually post for you.
But now:
Assignments handed in. Tick.
Using a new web browser that is actually friendly. Tick.
Scrapped idea of blogging about the silver birch (for now). Tick.
And the world is as it should be.

Did you know that it was still autumn last time we spoke. Oh my! Well, its nice to be back, friends. There is much to be said and seen.
Here’s a few pics from my hiatus.

Abandoned trolley at St. Andrews market and sculpture in Heide Gallery Gardens
Under a train bridge somewhere and a car in a paddock somewhere.
Heide Gallery Gardens and the aformentioned silver birch

See you again in the not too distant future.


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