Thursday, 23 June 2011

like a tea cosy for your life

I may just be a few freckles frecklier, a piece of wheat hanging from my mouth and if my hair were long enough it would be loosely pulled into a scraggily plait after my past few days and weekend spent in country Victoria. It's always nice to stretch one's metaphorical arms and legs and get out of sullen suburbia.

Traipsing around the countryside has inspired this post that (in my opinion) is as cosy as a blanket plus a open fire plus a wood cabin plus an attractive young man (replace with lovely lady if you so wish) serenading me/you... oh and marshmallows...don't forget the marshmallows!

Here a few things that I spied that would cosy up life all the more this winter.

Thumbs-up thinking here with two umbrellas - 'we've all been there, love'.
Thanks Garance amazing fashion blogger for that treat.
Soup-er looking tomato soup that I can't wait to whip up myself. Cheers Katie.
And last of all the cosiest looking minimalist abode I ever did see. A nod to Vorstadt 14, for that little gem.

Not feeling warm yet!? For goodness sake, pull your hands inside your sleeves and breathe on them like you did in primary school!


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